Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ramblings of a Media Arts Student

I forgot I had created this blog for the intent of sharing all that stuff about movies presently stuck in my head. I don't pretend to know much about film (I do know some though) and as such please forgive me for any ignorance that might be translated onto this blog.

In any case, I thought, "What better way to start off a blog about movies than to share my experience with them." Now that it's on the screen it doesn't seem like such a great idea, but I have none other than this. Sad.

Well to make it nice and short. I like (or love) movies. I'm still trying to figure out if it's not a simple infatuation. I've liked them since I can remember, but I never thought I'd pursue it as a career choice. As I travailed through high school with questions such as, "Who am I? What is my purpose? (in the short term sense), "What am I going to do with my life!" etc. The answer came after making a short video for a class project. The end product was terrible, but I enjoyed the editing process. After that and other class video projects, I leaned towards a film major and career, unsure whether it was even remotely possible for me to accomplish.

I applied to Brigham Young University which was the only school I applied to. I didn't apply to any other schools because I had a strange and silly idea that if I applied to other schools, it would diminish the possibility of me getting into BYU. I know, silly. Anyhow, I got accepted! The next objective: get into the Media Arts program. I figured if I didn't get in I either wasn't good enough or it simply wasn't meant to be. Many told me it was very difficult to get in. I don't remember what percentages of students got in, but it wasn't much.

Sometimes I felt confident and thought, "Yeah, I can do it." Then there were other times, especially after seeing other students' work that I thought, "There's no way I'm getting in." So it was a very unsure thing. I intended to apply the semester of Winter 08, but due to 18 credits, work, and some procrastinating, I didn't. Then came Fall 08, and this time I got it done. I turned in the application packet and signed up for the interview.

I felt very intimidated by the fact that I was with all these knowledgeable film people. I don't remember exactly what was asked... but I think I mentioned something about me watching Life is Beautiful, I'm not sure. Then they asked me about what I'd like to do with film. I think I answered something along the lines of, "Share the message of Hope." I think it was Tom Lefler who asked me to explain... oh my goodness! I scraped up what I thought mixed with certain feelings. The idea was actually based on my preconceptions of popular Mexican film. I'd heard about Amores Perros, Y Tu Mama Tambien, El Crimen del Padre Amaro, and even though I hadn't seen them, I thought there were more appropriate messages to be shared in a more appropriate manner. I told them that there were many more positive and hopeful stories and messages that could be shared, in this case about Mexican culture, and that was something I wanted to be a part of. I don't remember much about what happened afterward. I was dismissed, I left, I called my mom. Sometime later in the month of December (I think the 18th) I got an email saying I was accepted into the Media Arts Department.

I am now in my 3rd year of college, a year and a half into the film program, and wanting to learn much more.

Isn't this awesome?!

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